Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Image result for six shooter short film

Genre: Thriller-mystery
Review: 8.5/10

Six Shooter is a Britain short-movie. It told a story that man named Donnelly (Brandan Gleeson) that lost her wife and now he only lived with his rabbit named David. After that, he's about to go somewhere by train and met a young boy on a train (Ruaidhri Conroy). The young boy was talkactive, rude, and careless about others. Not only met the young boy, Donnelly also met a married couple (David Wilmot and Aisling O'Sullivan) that had the same experince with him. The married couple just lost their new-born baby. But, the young boy annoyed the married couple with his rude words. Of course, the married couple was annoyed by him and about to fight with the young boy. But, Donnelly separated them apart. The next scene shows that Donnelly and the husband of the married couple went to the restaurant/bar in the train. 
Image result for six shooter short film 

Image result for six shooter short film

On the other hand, the young boy annoyed the wife of the married couple and insulted her with rude words about the lost of the baby. Not only insulted, the young boy also broke the photo of the baby and the wife really got mad at him. The wife walked away, and unexpectedly, she commited suicide. She jumped out of the train because she's about to see her baby. When the husband came back from the restaurant/bar, he realized that his wife was nowhere. So, he asked the young boy about his wife. When he realized that his wife commited suicide, the train stopped at the station and the police investigated everything and interviewed Donnelly and the young boy. But unfortunately, the police got no answer. Then the train continued its track, but outside, the police saw that the young men brought a gun with him. The police gave instruction to held the train. Then when the train stopped to the next station, Donnelly was about to out of train but he saw the police with their gun and shot the young men on the train. The police and the young men had a terrible fight and the young men suddenly dead. The young men said to Donnelly that he just murdered his mother. In short, the young man was a physcopath. Then, the next scene sees that Donnelly took the young men's gun and brought it home. At home, Donnelly was so depressed about the lost of his wife and commited suicide with his rabbit named David. There was 2 bullets left. One for david, and when it came for him, the bullet missed and he was so depressed because he couldn't kill his self.

Humble opinion:
In my opinion, This is a great short-movie. It has a great plot, unexpected and unpredictable action, but the cinematography isn't as good as the plot.

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